Monday, April 21, 2008

New Opportunities

Today my oldest boys (the 14 year old twins) and I are meeting with the high school to get registered for the fall session. Wow! Our boys have been homeschooled from day one, and are not on to new challenges. This is all new to us, yet it is very exciting.

The boys will be observing a few hours of classes with their cousin, who is a sophomore at the high school. The twins were a bit anxious and nervous this morning (and so were their parents!!).The guidance counselor just happens to be the varsity football coach, so they were quite thrilled about that since football is one of their passions in life.

It's funny to watch the younger children imagine their brothers "going to school." They can't quite figure out why this is happening. After all, since they were born, the twins have been around on a daily basis! I think my wee ones are already missing their older brothers. It is certain that this feeling will be mutual, even for the twins.

So, that's the new horizon in our family life. It's interesting how new opportunities arrive because we are encouraged to look back on the former way of doing things. What a process, full of different feelings and emotions. I think it is healthy to do such things.

We are thankful for new opportunities.


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